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What Does It Feel Like When Baby Turns

What does is feel like when baby changes postition

(20 Posts)

Catbag01 Fri 23-October-15 09:42:10

Good morning all !

Please forgive me, I take been an avid lurker throughout my pregnancy but have plucked up the courage to join today ! I hope this is ok to ask - this is a not bad forum with some very thoughtful, and pragmatic posters.

I am significant with get-go babe, am 28 weeks, all is going well which is great, baby is an agile footling man with hourly thumps bumps and kicks.

At my 20 week and last midwife appt, I was advised that the bab is transverse, nothing to worry about (which I am non :-)) but as I have short torso and other ailments he might not e'er be able to movement then could be a c section ( I wont take them endeavor to plough baby as they did this with my brother and it ended with a cord round a neck and perm brain harm) . Csection or natural is fine by me, I trust I am in proficient easily BUT I was wondering, for those more experienced , what does it feel like when a babe moves position, can you really tell that they accept moved? I haven't ever felt annihilation where I have thought 'oh uh he's rolled nearly the other way today !

I get frequent movement, thuds, flutters, jabs, sometimes feels a bit rolly but not sure what to look out for?

Bump sometimes feels a bit softer than other times merely on the whole its stone solid.

I see a consultant next week to determine if its looking more than and more than like a C section or indeed if he does have the space to move but either way I am just curious really ......

Thanks to all ! have a bang-up weekend !!! :-)

loveulotslikejellytots Fri 23-Oct-fifteen 09:46:51

I'd describe it a scrap like a balmy version of being on a roller coaster. Y'all know when your stomach is left up in the air! Like I said, a balmy version and sometimes quite quick. My crash-land is sometimes hard in some places, and then soft. I'd causeless information technology was the baby shifting around!

loveulotslikejellytots Fri 23-Oct-xv 09:47:07

Sorry, and I'one thousand 30 weeks today!

mummyneedinganswers Fri 23-Oct-xv 09:55:24

Mine is similar a worm wriggling around and the a sudden flip which make me feel ill 10

ThatsNotMyHouseItIsTooClean Fri 23-Oct-15 10:03:28

The further on y'all are in your pregnancy, the more you lot know virtually it! For me, it was feeling a major movement & then having a different shape or feeling bump. DC2 moved dorsum to back at 36 weeks which was really odd equally, having had a solid bump and being able to clearly feel his bum, I had all of these nobbly $.25 which were hands, feet etc. He turned once again at about 38 weeks and I was ill immediately afterward it was such a flip.
DC1 did a major jerk whilst I was beingness induced. It was when I was being monitored & the alarms went as, according to them, there was no center rate but I was quite relaxed every bit I had felt her kick and move, well-nigh equally though she was pushing off from the side of a swimming pool. Once more, it made me ill. At that place was quite a kerfuffle as, with me vomiting and no centre charge per unit, I concluded up with loads of MW effectually the bed with two trying to find the heartbeat. They did after what felt similar ages but was but a infinitesimal or two and were surprised at how much her position had changed.

Catbag01 Fri 23-Oct-15 11:11:58

Thanks for all your replies - this is all really not bad info - very interesting and helpful!! xxx

Moodyblue1 Friday 23-October-fifteen eleven:17:40

I could tell because it was a really big weird motility that and then made me sick, information technology slightly inverse the shape of my bump and I could feel feet in my ribs etc, whereas before my kicks were very low, the elevation of my bump sometimes goes difficult when baby sticks its bum out. It was slightly later in pregnancy before I could actually tell babies position.

mumchkin Fri 23-Oct-xv 11:29:42

A totally unlike feeling for me from the higher up - information technology feels like when someone is pushing their way through a oversupply at a gig - using their hip and shoulder to really push and go into the position they want (except I'one thousand fairly certain he'due south using his head). I'm 30 weeks.

bebo100 Fri 23-Oct-15 11:56:46

My breadbasket simply felt really tight similar there wasn't enough room - you know that over-full feeling when you can hardly move after eating too much. Seemed to be like that for a mean solar day or so and then kicks were in different identify. So I'1000 guessing that was turning.

Gravity is your friend on this one. Baby'south caput is heavier than their torso, so effort to exist sit up directly and walk places as much as you can. Sure it will exist fine

elelfrance Fri 23-Oct-15 12:01:10

i never knew when either of mine turned! at the 20 week scan dd was transverse, and lo and behold at the 33 week browse she had her head downwardly aiming for the go out :-D and so you might not necessarily recognise when they turn!

LumpySpaceCow Fri 23-October-15 13:13:xv

My baby turned at 36 weeks from head downward to trivial breech and it felt like I was in labour! 10

Elledouble Friday 23-Oct-15 13:eighteen:xi

I'm pretty certain I felt it the mean solar day my babe went head-down - it felt like a powerful dragging awareness down the inside of my bump. It actually hurt a little chip. Listen yous, I was sure he was in the right position and that the chip I could feel sticking out was his bum, but I gave birth to him back-to-back and so y'know.

ImperialBlether Fri 23-Oct-xv 13:21:44

My daughter turned when I was nearly due and it was like looking at the Loch Ness monster! It could have been used in a horror picture show. grin

Don't worry, yous will know if he turns.

CalypsoLilt Fri 23-October-fifteen 13:27:21

I'k 24 weeks, earlier on I felt like a tumble drier only now I experience like I've got a spanner rolling effectually within! Very odd!

poocatcherchampion Friday 23-Oct-xv 13:29:59

I had no idea. He was Breech then apparently head down at 35 weeks so at 35+4 he was transverse. Perchance heading to breech. And delivered.

And now he is 3 days onetime. grin

GiraffesAndButterflies Fri 23-October-fifteen 13:35:09

I could never tell with DC1, and at 25 weeks I can't tell with DC2 either. <helpful>

All movements feel the same to me pretty much. Sometimes it's a quick kick and sometimes a prolonged shove blazon feeling, but nothing more fistinctively different.

Varya Fri 23-October-15 13:36:09

Non certain. Had twins. Not much room to movement!

Whoknewitcouldbeso Fri 23-Oct-xv xiii:36:54

I never felt my son movement head downwardly. All I know is that on one midwife visit he was in one position and the next he was head downwardly and stayed that way. With this pregnancy the baby is transverse at 24 weeks and gives kicks and flips continuously. I am expecting the same thing to happen in the latter stages only I may accept to have a CS anyway due to a low lying placenta.

lemon101 Fri 23-Oct-15 13:41:49

Aforementioned as mumchkin! It felt like he literally elbowed himself circular from beingness transverse to head downwardly. The movement was prolonged and even though I didn't realise what he was doing at the fourth dimension, oddly purposeful!

I am 33 weeks and tin can feel his position myself at present (through poking my abdomen!) if flat on my back (although probably couldn't tell if breach or caput downwards). He was transverse upwards to xxx weeks and its now distinctly unlike.

Some other thing to look out for is hiccups in your groin - dead giveaway that the baby is head downwardly!

GiraffesAndButterflies Fri 23-Oct-15 13:44:21

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What Does It Feel Like When Baby Turns
