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How to Stop a Sore Throat When You Feel It Coming on

How Do You Stop A Cold Sore When You Feel It Coming On?

Cold sore on lips treatment: Cold sore is quite an irritable infection. One can feel the formation and understand how hurting and painful it can be. The aftereffects of cold sores are unbearable, some of them are painful burning sensation, itching and redness. Cold sores are one of the recurring conditions. It consists of several small, raised blisters on the outer skin (pores), filled with fluid (pus). They are often seen around the following areas, i.e. the mouth area, nose, chin, fingers and insides the mouth. Also known as fever blisters, Cold sores causes discomfort, redness, and pain in and around the mouth area. Causes of Cold Sores: Commonly caused by herpes viruses, cold sores are the most common cause of sores around the lips. The worst or you can say the curing part of the cold sores is when they finally burst and crust over. Before facing all these effects, why not, let think about its prevention. One can prevent these cold sores from forming on your lips.

The Ice Remedy

The Ice Remedy

After recognizing the symptoms of cold sores, you can apply ice wrapped in a towel or a washcloth on the affected area for relief. If you can tolerate the cold, you should use the ice directly on the affected area as this would have a more significant impact on your sores. Keep the ice on the sores for at least five minutes or until the blister's area feels cold to touch. The pain that you once felt could diminish for the moment.

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Protect Your Lips

For those who have had an experience with cold sores in the past, wearing a lip balm with a sun protection factor of 30 at all times could be helpful. When you feel like you are getting another bout of the sores, you should immediately apply. If it is an open cold sore, then do not use the balm stick directly on the lips as this would spread the virus all around. It would be great to use a cotton swab to apply balm to your lips and the skin around the outside.

Protect Your Lips

Keep Off The Affected Area

People who are affected by cold sores should keep their hands away from the sores. You must, by all means, stop touching your cold sores as they are highly contagious. Never touch your lips if you have cold sores there. Even if you do feel your cold sores by mistake, then you should stop right away and wash your hand with antibacterial soap, and dry them on a paper towel.

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The Protein Called Lysine

Lysine is a protein that helps the body to heal and also prevents cold sores. You should increase the number of high lysine foods in your diet during the outbreak of the cold sore. You should choose lean meats and dairy products such as yoghurt, milk, and cheese as these are all high in lysine. Lysine counteracts arginine, a substance found in various foods that trigger cold sores in some people.

Take Small Bites

The Protein Called Lysine

Certain things may aggravate your cold sores, and one such thing is to open your mouth wide. When you open your mouth wide, then the sores have chances of breaking open and thus could spread to the rest of your lips. Even yawning for that matter could cause this, but are you going to stop yawning! You should probably get enough sleep at night. After you get infected by the virus, it tends to remain in your body for the rest of your life. If you do get cold sores often, you must get treated right away, reducing the incidence of cold sores and making them less severe.

Health Tips

  • Cold sores mostly occur around the mouth area.
  • They cause a burning sensation and itching.
  • Touching them would lead to the spreading of the blisters.
  • Applying ice on the affected area could help you.

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How to Stop a Sore Throat When You Feel It Coming on
